Thursday, July 1, 2010

A quick way to add items to 2007's Quick Access Toolbar

Microsoft Office

A quick way to add items to 2007's Quick Access Toolbar

If an Office 2007 or 2010 command that you use a lot is buried under too many groups and tabs, add that command to the Quick Access Toolbar (QAT). It's one of the features users learn to appreciate right away.
Fortunately, there's more than one way to add items to the QAT. Choosing More Commands from the QAT dropdown list is probably the most intuitive. This route displays a list of commands and an interface for adding commands to the QAT. It's easy, but finding the right command can be troublesome--there are so many!
I think the quickest method for adding a command to the QAT is actually the least known:
  1. Right-click a group's title bar.
  2. Choose the Add To Quick Access Toolbar option. Doing so adds the entire group to the QAT.

Use this same technique to add an individual command or option to the QAT. Simply right-click the individual tool, option, or command instead of clicking a group's title bar.


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